Herbal Glossary


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Alfalfa- It helps the body assimulattte protein, calcium and other nutrienns. Its contents are balanced for complete absortion by the body. This herb is a body cleanser, infection fighter, and natural deodorizer. Its breaks down poisonous carbon dioxide and is the richest land source of trace minerals. It is a very good spring tonic, eliminates retained water, and relieves urinary and bowel problems. It also in treating recuperative cases of narcotic and alcohol addicition. The enzymes in it has been known to newtralize cancer in the system. Alfalfa contains a very rich supply of vitamins A, K, and D, as well as trace minerals. It is also high in calcium and contains phosphorus, iron potassium and eitght essential enzymes.
Aloe Vera- is known as the "first aid plant" because of its antibiotic properties clean, soothe and heal. It contains compounds which promote the removal of dead skin and stimulate the normal growth of living cells. Aloe is also good for burns and wounds because it can stop pain and reduce the chance of infection and scarring while healing process. Aloe vera is valuable for skin irritations, minor cuts, and first and second degree thermal burns. Fresh juice from the leaves heals wounds by revention or drawing out infection. It also helps to heal internal tissues damaged by radiation exposure such as x-rays and radiation. This plant contains calcium, potassium, sodium, manganese, magnesium, iron, lecithin, and zinc.

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Black Cohosh- It is used as a tonic for the central nervous system because it is an excellent, safe sedative. It contains natural estrogen and so helps to reduce hot flashes, contract the uterus and increase sluggish menstrual flow. The female sex hormone also helps slow the growth of prostrate tummors in men. Other healing abilities of it include lossening and expelling mucus form the bronchial tubes, neutralizing poisons in the blood stream, and elimination uric acid and other toxic wastes in the body. It contains effective amounts of calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron. It also has VitaminA, inositol, pantothenic acid, silicon, and phosphorus.

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Cascara Sagrada- It is one of the best herbs available to cure chronic sonstipation. Cascara has this ability because its bark is rich in hormone-like oils which promote peristaltic action in the intestinal canal-----they exert a remarkable action on torpor of the colon. The bowels will function naturally and regularly from its tonic effects. It also increases secretions of the stomach, liver, and pancreas, and has been effective in helping the body rid itself of gallstones. It also has a stimulating tonic effect on all nerves it comes in contact with. It contains vitamin B-complex, calcium, potassium, manganese, and traces of tin, lead, stronitium and aluminum.
Cat's Claw- It is has the ability to act as na antioxidant, protecting the body from free radical damage and destroying or neutralizing carinogens before they can damage the cells. It has been recognized that the herb helps support the body during chemotherapy and radiation, and may even inhibit hte growth of cancer cells. It has also been used successfully to treat conditions asssociated with a weakened immune system such as AIDS, herpes, and Epstenin-Barr syndrome. Its ability to strengthen the innume function really is remarkable. Other clinical reasearch has found that cat's claw has the ability to reduce inflammation. It has also been used to help with allergies, hemorrhoids, ulcers, parasites, Crohn's disease, and gastrointestinal disorders.
Chamomile- It is recognized by the orthodox medical profession as a valuable medicine for the young, especially in France and Spain. It is a soothing sedative with no harmfull effects. It is usefull in small babies and children who suffer form colds, stomach troubles or colitis, and helps induce sleep. It is good for nerves and menstral cramps.

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Damiana It has stimulatin properties and is traditionally used for nervousness, weakness and exhaustion. It is one of the safest and most popular herbs claimed to restore natrual sexual capacities and functions. Thisherb has been recommended for increasing sperm count in males, and strengthening the egg in females. It helps to achieve hormonal balance in women. It it is useful for increasing sexual debility. Damiana is good for renewing and revitalizing anyone in a state of physical exhaustion.
Dong Quai It is know as the queen of female herb. It has been claimed to be very effective against almost every type of complant dealing with the female system. It possesses constituents for nourshing female glands and strengthening all internal body organs and muscles. It also helps to rebuild the blood and improve the conditionof a pregrant woman. Dong quai has a tranquilizing effect on the central nervous system and gives nourishment to the brain cells. It nourishes the blood, lubricates the intestines, and promotes groth of the womb. It is useful in aiding bleeding and body bruises. It ccontains vitamins A, B12, and E.

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Ephidra It is closely related to adrenaline and has some of the samproperties. It stimulates the nervous system and acts directly on the muscle cells. This herb contains substance that effects all blood vessels, especially the small arteries and capillaries. It helps the heart to have a slower and stronger beat. Ephedra is also used in Europe for treating rheumatism and syphilis. It is considered a bronchial dilator and decongestant. It contains some vitiaman B12, cobalt, strontium, nickel, and copper.

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Fennel It helps take away the appetite. It improves digestion, has diuretic effect, and works to move waste material out of the body. It also helps to stabilize the nervous system and is recommended as a sedative for small children. Because it influences nerves, fennel works well as an anticonvulsive and painreliever. It is also helpful in cases of persistent couhg and bronchitis. When boiled with barley, it aids lactation. It contains potassium, sulphur and sodium.
Fenugreek It has the ability to soften and dissolve hardened masses of accumulated mucus. It expels mucus and phlegm from the bronchial tubes. It also helps to expel toxic waste through the lymphatic system. It has antiseptic properties and kills infections in the lungs. Fenugreek used with lemon juice and honey soothe and nourishes the body and helps to reduce fevers. It contains lecithin, which dissolves cholesterol, and lopotropic substances, which dissolve deposits of fat and prevent fatty accumulation and water retention. It also contains and oil that resembles cod liver oil, vitaminsB1, B2 and B3, cholin, lecithin, and iron.

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Garlic It is nature's antibotic. It is against bacteria that may be resistant to other antibiotics, and it stimulates the lymphatic system to throw off waste materials. Unlike othe antibiotics, however, garlic does not destroy the body's mnormal flora. Instead, it has the ability to stimulate cell growth and activity, thus rejuvenating all body funtions. It opens up blood vesseles and reduces hypertenstion. Garlic is a health-buliding and disease-preventing herb. It is rich in potassium, zinc, vitamins A and C, and selenium, which is closely related to vitamin E in biological acitivity. It also contains sulphur, calcium, maganese, copper, vitamin B1, and some iron.
Ginkgo It helps the formation of blood clots. Its ability to inhibit the clumping of the blood platelets is beneficial because clumps and clots contribute to heart problems, strokes and artery disease. Ear problems are improved with it due to improved blood flow to nerves on the inner ear. Ginkgo increases oxygen and blood flow to brain and extremities, improves mental clarity and inhibits free radical scavengers from destroying cells. It supplies nutrientional support to all areas of the body by dilation the blood vessels, allowing improved blood flow to the tissues. It is an asaptogen herb, which helps the body deal with stressful situations.
Ginseng It stimulates the entire body to overcome stress, fatigue, and weakness. It is especially good for mental Fatiuge because it stimulates and improves brain cells. Ginseng has a very beneficial effect on the heart and circulation. It is used to normalize blood pressure, reduce blood cholesterol and prevent arteriosclerosis. It acts as an antidote to various types of drugs and toxic chemicals, and is said to protect the body against radiation. It works to improve vision and hearing, and help to check irritability. It is also claimed to slow down the aging process. Basically, it is a cure all herb.It contains vitamin A and E. It also contains thiamine, ribofloavin, B12, niacin, calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, silicon, potassium, manganese, magnesium, sulphur, and tin.

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Horsetail (or shabegrass) is used in urinary tract disorders especially lower tract infections. The most important ingredient in the herb is silicic acid, which helps circulation. Horsetail aids in coagulation so a decotion applied externally will help staunch and heal bleeding wounds. Reasearch has shown that fractured bones will heal much faster when horsetail is taken. This herb is rich in silicon and selenium. It also contains Vitanin E, pantothenic acid, PABA, copper, mangese, sodium, cobalt, iron, and iodine.

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Kelp- It is good promoter of glandular health. It controls the thyroid and regulates/stimulates the metabolism.It contains all of the minenerals considered vital to health. Kelp has the reputation of speeding up the burning of excess calories and i helpful in the nourshment of the body. It has a beneficial effect on may disorders of the body. It works to sustain the nervous system and helps the brain to funcion normally. It is rich in iodine, calcium, sulphur and silicon. It also contains phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, magnesium, chlorine, copper, zinc and manganese. It has a small amount of barium, born, chromium, lithium, nickel, silver, titanium, vandium, aluminum, strontium, bismuth, chlorine, cobalt, gallium, tin, and zirconnnium. It is also rich in kelp.

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Licorice It is a source of the female hormone, estrogen, which makes it a very important herb for female complaints. It works to stimulate the adrenal glands. Such stimulation helps counteract stress and supplies energy to the body. It also contains glycosides which can chemically purge excess fluid from the lungs, throat and body. This herb aslo works as a laxative, helps to reduce inflammation of the intestinal tract, and helps to relieve ulcer condition. It contains vitamins E and B-complex, phosphorus, biotin, niacin,k and pantothenic acid. It also has lecithin, manganese, iodine, chromium, and zinc.

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Oatstraw It is a powerful stimulant and is rich in body building materials. It has may elements that have antiseptic properties and, when eaten frequently, is said to be a natural preventative for contagious disease. Hot oatstraw compreses relieve pain from kidney stones attacks. It is high in silicon and rich calcium. It contains phosphorus and vitamins A, B1, B2, and E.

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Pau D'arco also known as taheebo. It is a powerful anitbotic with virus-killing properties. It has been used on cancer patients in some hospitals in south aferica with great success. Its compounds seems to attack the very cause of disease. It is said that one of this herb's main actions is to put the body a defensive posture, giving the energy needed to resist disease. It contains a high amount of iron which aids in the proper assimilation of mutrients and the elimination of wastes.
Pepperment Besides being useful around the house It is good for many remedies. Itcontains a warming oil that is effective as a nerve stimulant. Pepperment is also used as a seditive on the stomach and helps strenghten the bowels. The oil brings oxygen tin to the bolld stream and works to clean and strengthen the body. It is useful for chills and colds, and can be used for many othe ailments. It contains vitamins A and C, magtnesium, potassium, inositol, niacin, copper, iodine, silicon, iron, and sulphur.
Psyllium Man European physicians prescribe pygeum for bengin prostratic hyperplasia which can cause urination problems. It is also used as a preventive measure for prostate health. It is commonly partnered with saw palmetto and found in herbal combinations used for prostrate glands, because it contains compounds known for their ability to reduce imflammation of the prostate.

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Rose Hips They are recomended to help expel kidney stones. They are very nourshing to the skin and help prevent and reduce infections. Rose Hips are an excellent source of vitamin C. Also are very high in vitamin A, B-complex,E, and also contain D and P, organic iron, sodium, potassium, sulphur, silica, and niacin. They are a good source of natural fruit sugar.

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Saw Palmetto It is useful for diseases of the reproductive glands. It also is recommended for wasting disease because it effects glandular tissue.The crushed root was used by Native Americans for sore breasts, and has been said to increase the size of small breasts. Saw plametto is used to soothe mucous membranes of the throat and nose, and is considered a tonic for chronic bronchitis and lung asthma. This herb contains vitamin A.

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Wild Yams It is useful in glandular balance formulas for treatin nausea in progant women. It is said to be excellent preventive of miscarriage and also useful for cramps in region of the uterus during late stages of pregnancy. Wild yam is useful for pain with gallstones. It will relax muscular fibers and soothe the nerves.
Willow It is valued as a nerve sedative because it has no depressing after-effects. It works like aspirin except that it is mild on the stomach. Traditionally, a bitter drink was used for fever and chills, and as a substitue for chinchona bark. It has been called one of the essential first aid plants. It has strong but bengin antiseptic abilities and is good for infected wounds, ulcerations, or eczema.

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Yellow Dock It is an atringent and blood purifier so is useful in treating disease of the blood and chronic skin ailments. It is one of the best blood builders in the herb kingdom. It stimulates elimination and improves bile flow. It is a nutritive tonic high in iron and very useful in treating anemia. This herb nourishes the spleen and liver and is therefore effective in treatin jaundice, lympatic problems, and skin eruptions. A high amount of easily digestible iron is found in yarrow. It is also rich in vitamins A and C, manganese and nickel.
Yucca It was used by the Indians of Southwest for skin disorders, eruptions and slow-healing ulcerations. It was also usedon cuts to stop bleeding and help avoid inflammation. Native Americans also used the root as a poultice on breaks and sprains and for rheumatism. The properties of yucca which help in arthritis and rheumatism are due to the plant's high content of steroid saponins, which are precursors to cortisone. Some researchers feel that yucca spaonins improve the body's ability to produce its own cortisone by supplying materials needed for the hormone to be manufactured by the adrenal glands. Yucca root is rich in vitamins A, B-complex, and has some vitamin C. It is hig in calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron Manganese and copper.

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