Several years ago, when I was a teenager, my mother became ill. For years, the doctors told her that she had several different things, which they ended up not being; she suffered. Then, finally, she moved to Memphis, Tennessee, where, the doctors finally diagnosed her with sarcoidosis. She was told there was no cure, just medications to help the symptoms. Most of the medications had side effects, or did not help at all. She finally decided to look for a natural way to ease her suffering, after trying several things she came across the products from Youngevity (r). After several months of using the products she started to feel better. Now, about a year after she discovered Youngevity, I feel like I finally got my mother back. She can now do stuff with me and my children. She has convinced everyone in the family to try the products and she believes in them so much she buys them for us. Ater my husband, children, and I have taken them, we all feel better.
My oldest child started having problems and finally we found out that he has Attention Deficite Disorder (ADD). After alot of thought my husband and I decided not to put him on the medications the doctor suggested, but to try what Youngevity had to offer. After consulting with the doctor and nurse who are with youngivity we started him on their program. We have seen a big improvement in him.
I have always been a person that loves nature and what the Earth has to offer. I have bought several books on herbs and have looked up the herbs in the Youngevity products and studied their uses and properties and found that they are truly what they say they are, they really do what they are claimed to do.
So I have made it my mission in life to show people what terrific products
Youngevity has to offer and testify that they do work!
---Misty L. Whitaker---